
Why You Need Bird Control for Your Business or Home

Birds and Nesting Problems

When you think of pests that can cause property damage and bring a host of health risks to your home or business, there’s a good chance you don’t think of birds.  Although birds may look cute from a distance, they can quickly become a nuisance once they build a nest on your property. Businesses and residents of Ventura and Los Angeles counties, should quickly realize that harmless looking birds can cause serious problems. Most people don’t realize that birds can leave a serious mess until nests and bird perching behaviors have been firmly established.

Reduced Health and Physical Hazards

Birds are known to spread more than 60 transmittable diseases, including Salmonella, histoplasmosis, meningitis and encephalitis. They also carry fleas, ticks, lice and mites.

Birds excrete in large quantities, which can end up all over your cars and walkways. This is a problem for any human space, but it is particularly damaging for businesses. However, the right solution should be appropriate for the type of bird and the degree of the potential problem.

Prevent Structural Damage

Corrosive bird droppings can erode building finishes, causing costly and ongoing maintenance and repairs.

Bird Species

Common types of birds who tend to nest in homes and businesses


Some businesses use physical barriers to prevent birds from perching or nesting on the property. There are also physical structures that can do the same for lamp posts or electrical wires. Gutters and balconies are other locations that are likely to be occupied by birds. Birds that live close to the ground present a different set of problems. For the best results, contact a professional to make sure you are using the best option.

Pacific Exterminators is proud to offer comprehensive bird-control services. We provide our customers with a detailed evaluation of the nature and extent of the problem. This can be incredibly helpful when you are designing your solution.  For the best results, make sure to learn about your options before any birds settle on your premises.

Pacific Exterminators provides many affordable options. Contact Pacific Exterminators today for more information, and take advantage of our free quote.