Bed Bug
Services & Treatment

Bed Bug Characteristics

A bed bug is very small (no bigger than a ¼”), oval-shaped body, and has brown coloring. Bed bugs live off of the blood of warm-blooded animals, but prefer the blood of humans. After a bed bug feeds, its body coloring will turn a dark shade of red.

Signs of a bed bug infestation

Finding small, rusty or dark bloodstains on used linens is a huge indicator that bed bugs have infiltrated your structure and have begun to feed on its inhabitants (you, your employees and/or your family). The larger the bed bug infestation, the larger the number of stains on your linen. There may also be small blood stains on the areas surrounding beds, couches and furniture, including surrounding walls.

If you wake up with itchy areas you didn’t have when you went to sleep, you may have bedbugs. It’s possible for bed bugs to enter your home from a recently purchased used bed or other used furniture around the time the bites started. Other signs that you have bedbugs can include:

  • Bedbug fecal spots, eggshells, or shed skins in areas where bedbugs hide
  • Rusty spots or small bloodstains on pillowcases
  • An unusual, musty odor with no apparent cause – Bed bug pheromones are often compared to the scent of raspberries, coriander, cilantro, or almonds. A severe bed bug infestation may smell like rust, wet towels, and moldy laundry

Where bed bugs live & hide

  • Mattresses- In the seams, buttons, in between the mattress pillow and the box spring and around the frame.
  • Nightstands- Bed bugs can hide in any small cracks they can find in furniture. The cracks and drawers in a nightstand or the lamp on top of it are the perfect hiding spot.
  • Other furniture- Chairs, ottomans, and other upholstered furniture have seams, loose cushions, and cracks between the fabric and when the legs meet.
  • Artwork- Even the beautiful artwork you may have hanging on the walls offer a perfect hiding spot for the small insects. Be sure to check between the frame and wall and around the glass and frame.
  • Headboards- The headboard is the most common area where a bed bug will hide. Be sure to check any cracks and/or around any designs on a headboard.
  • Wallpaper- If you find any wallpaper that is peeling or lifted, check behind it. It could be coming off of the wall because bed bugs are hiding there!
  • Outlet- If you have an outlet that had any dark spots around it, it could be because of the presence of bed bugs.
  • Crown molding- Cracks and crevices in crown molding offer a safe hiding spot.
  • Ceiling- Dark spots on the area where the wall and ceiling meet.

Keys to the best bed bug plan & course of action for treatment

  • Catching and treating a bed bug problem early is key. Detecting and handling the pest problem early, can make the less beg bug treatment less invasive and possibly less costly.
  • Properly identifying a bed bug. Mistaking a bed bug for another insect, can give the pest more time to bread and spread throughout the property.
  • The BEST thing a customer can do if they suspect they have bed bugs, is to have a professional come and inspect right away and access your pest problem.

Bed Bug Prevention

  • Bed bugs are not only a threat within the structure but a threat outside of it. You can pick up a bed bug while traveling or at home! The best ways to help prevent bringing these pests into your structures are:
    • Constantly being aware of your surroundings.
    • When traveling, inspect your surroundings. Look under and around your mattress for any signs of an infestation. (Any brownish/ reddish colored spots on the mattress)
    • Keep your suitcase on a higher surface away from the bed.
    • Once you arrive back home, sort through your suitcase outside of the bedroom.
    • Once home, keep any and all clutter to a minimum. This will make the presence of any pests more noticeable.
    • When washing bed sheets, make sure to wash in hot water.
    • Closely inspect your home after purchase, vacation, or when you have an overnight guest.
    • While at work, thoroughly inspect the office furniture for any signs of an infestation. These insects can grab onto your clothes and make their way into your home.

The best way to ensure your structure is free of bed bugs, have a professional come out and inspect and rid your home of any threats.

Bed bug silhouette

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